Better bloom.lige – Frauds

Reported By: Sunita Rawal

Contact information: and Yashvi No idea

Better and I also saw a ad from Yashvi with same chairs.These r big frauds.I hv got 2 screenshots for reference.They will say Get the designer chairs for today only at 699 or 599.There is no cod option.The website looks original but these frauds have a proper looting website.The ad looks so real that the customer gets jn trap.J would like to make a complaint against this fraudsters so ghat more people like me dont pay them for no reason.Please buy from an authentic source.J ordered the 2 designer chairs a d paid 1699.It is almost 1 month now a d no reply from them.I hope wont get any reply in near future too. Pls people…be aware. Dont waste your hard earned money on such looters.Be conscious a d also make other people vigilant against such fraudsters. Pls take a necessary a ton against such fraud companies ie and Yashvi.From Yashvi I didng make any purchase but I am 100 percent sure these are the same chairs which I ordered from I told earlier I have got the screenshot of both for further reference.Facebook,pls take an appropriate step against such companies so that other people dont fall prey to such frauds and dont waste their hard earned money

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* Write Better bloom.lige in company name section and write your complaint in detail
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* Get refund / replacement / damages from Better bloom.lige.

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