I placed an order from bigbasket mobile app on thu 17 mar 2016.
Delivery type: express delivery
Date on incident: 17 march 2016
Order no. : dx-mbo-8332982-170316, dx-bbo-8338952-170316
Contact no. Of big basket : 1860-123-1000, 080-66706302, 080-33517801
I placed an order on 17 mar morning and got a confirmation message at 10:04 am and got a confirmation message that “your order #dx-mbo-8332982-170316 will be delivered on before thu 17 mar 2016, 12.34pm.
I was expecting delivery on time, so that i can go to my work at 2 pm.
Then the delivery guy came around 1 pm for delivery but delivered wrong order. Then the customer care cancelled and re-placed the order and confirmed the delivery will be done by max 2 pm.
I called on multiple numbers to understand the delay in delivery. But nobody responded well and calls were disconnected. That was quite unethical behaviour.
After following up again and again, the order was finally delivered by 4.30 pm. And following the delay, i had to took a leave from my work.
Major issues:
1. There is no option to cancel the order
2. There is no way to track the order.
3. The delivery team should verify the order to be delivered before delivery.