Reported By: Dinesh Menachery
Contact information:
BRINEX LED (India) Pvt. Ltd
Dear sir/ madam
This is to bring to your kind notice that the BRINEX company for led light manufacturing raw materials has dispatched only a small amount of raw materials. I have ordered THE RAW MATERIALS COSTING 98,000 Rs and paid at the same time the full amount 2 months before, but even after 2 months they haven’t provided us the full materials .I did so many phone calls but they didn’t answer my calls nor they call back instead they blocked my number .I am really in pathetic condition as I have invested such a huge amount and In return I got only 28,622 Rs worthed materials only. now they are not picking my calls and the rest of my money is gone ,what shall I do I need to get back my rest of the money ,to whom shall I reach for that kindly give me your expert suggestions.
Thanks and regards
CONTACT NO:9159902347
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