Reported By: Molla Saiful Islam
Contact information:
Brinex LED India Pvt. Ltd. Maharastra
Dear sir/ madam
This is to bring to your kind notice that the BRINEX company for led light manufacturing raw materials has dispatched only a small amount of raw materials. I have ordered THE RAW MATERIALS COSTING 18,154 Rs and paid at the same time by Net Bankind the full amount on 05.03.2021, but even after 1 ½ months they haven’t provided us the full materials .I did so many phone calls but they didn’t answer my calls nor they call back. I am really in pathetic condition ,what shall I do I need to get back my rest of the money ,to whom shall I reach for that kindly give me your expert suggestions.
Thanks and regards
CONTACT NO:7003375277
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