Reported By: Errol Dcosta
Contact information:
Elitehoms Mumbai
I too ordered the Buddha hair trimmer and it was a buy and be get one free. But only one trimmer was sent. Called the customer care and they directed gave me a mobile number to contact. The person agreed to dispatch the other trimmer provided I make a payment for Rs10 by Paytm or debit/credit card. No sooner I refused to make any online payment the person disconnected my call. Tried calling him again but not possible. This is a fraud company. I will be making a complaint to the Cyber Crime dept. Mumbai branch.
How to file a complaint against Elitehoms?
* Go to page
* Write Elitehoms in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Elitehoms.
I purchased a electric Buddha pro trimmer by order date 29/12/2022 sub order I’d 7371115697 I received a defective piece