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Heavens Life Katara Hills Bhopal Bhopal
I Bought the House in 2015, while selling the house Builder showed us lots of dream, and I shifted to incomplete house in August 2016, then I sent an reminder to Builder many times to fulfill all the jobs, but builder have not done even single, then I complaint to RERA in 2018, and RERA ordered them to complete all the jobs as per broucher, the order came on 05/03/2019, builder have misused security cheque and submit to bank, then he filed the case on me, still the case is open in court, in 2022 builder started criminal activities in the colony, they were demanding illigally, builder have destroyed electricity and water line of my house, then I complained to RERA and Police, but no one was listening, even after 60 months, builder have hurted RERA’s order, and builder told to Hon’ble judges that they will not do any single jobs, in October 2022, builder submitted letter that all the jobs are done, which was false commitment by builders, then I requested RERA to engage the commissioner for verifying all the jobs, and my requested was accepted in May 2023, but still no one was visited to verify all the jobs. Now almost 60 months passed and still builder have not done the jobs as per RERA’s order.
I have all the movies from crime activities was done on 12/07/2022,
Kindly advise me as follows.
From the Government system, everyone is supporting to Builder, we do not have any response from anywhere.
in 10 years the STP plant also is not ready.
We have many videos which prove builder terror activities in the colony.
Requesting you to look into the trailing mail and guide us accordingly.
As informed you builder is filing the wrong FIR and i.e accepted by Katara Hills Police Stations.
But if we FILE the FIR and that is not accepted by Katara Hills Police Stations, Till now builder have not filed any FIR to me, but I am sure in future they will do that, because now started to file the complain against them.
Builder is selling the Mortgage property, and after that, nobody is taking any action to Builder.
Builder has Destroyed the Electricity Cable and Water Supply at our house, but nobody is taking any action against the Builder.
I don’t know the system, why you people don’t write the complaint for Builders.
Please reply to the below Questions.
How Builder can destroy the power cable and Water Line to our house?
Why Nobody is writing the case for cheating against the Builder?
Why we are compelled to stay in a fearful atmosphere?
Why did Katara Hills Police Don’t Write the FIR against Builder?
Why Do not Get a response from 100?
Why No Body is taking Any actions against builders?
While Selling Duplex, the builder showed us lots of dreams, but still, nothing is done, then RERA order them in 2019, to provide all the promised amenities, then How builder can Ignore the RERA Order?
Why RERA doesn’t take any action against builder?
How Builder can IGNORE the SWACHH Bharat Mission?
Why the Drainage / seepage are going to Option Space, then no one is taking actions?
STP Plant is a must, but if why it’s not ready in 10 years, then no one is taking any action.
How builders can do Fraud activities, and Police and Media are kept quiet.
How Builder Can Sell the Mortgage property?
How Builder can sell one properties to three persons?
Also I am sharing you the videos, which will show you the terror/ criminal activities in the colony.
There are many more Fraud things being done by the Builder, but no one is taking any action against this builder.
How to file a complaint against Heavens Life Katara Hills Bhopal?
* Go to page
* Write Heavens Life Katara Hills Bhopal in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Heavens Life Katara Hills Bhopal.