Reported By: Anirban Sinha
Contact information: Delhi
Everyone be Aware of this Company. The are Big Fraud Company . They Took Money from your Company for Leads . They took 6000 from us for 15 leads to be given to us. However, 3 leads that they gave initially were all dead leads. I called them back and the Owner spoke to us and assured to return the money Rs.6000/-. However, It’s been a Month now almost and they have not returned our Money. They did this with others as well from Kolkata. All Reviews are coming Shortly. SCAM COMPANY AND BE AWARE OF THEM .
How to file a complaint against Idaynyt?
* Go to page
* Write Idaynyt in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Idaynyt.