Laplumegroup_EpayKerel – Fraud from Credit Card

I Harish T Shetty want to inform you that during Diwali Vaccation ICICI Bank had send
me New Credit Card without taking my permission and without informing me.

Due to vacation there was nobody at my house to receive this new card which was delivered
through Blue Dart Courier. That Blue Dart chap use to stick a sticker with telephone number
at my residence. When I called on that number they told me that Blue Dart delivered ICICI
credit card only at the residence.

On 1st November a person called me stating that he was a ICICI officer and was asking me that
why I have not received the Credit Card, and told me to give my office address so as to
delivered this new card. Again for confirmation he asked my the old card no.

To my surprise he knews the reward point (6200) of my account which was exact, he further
told me that ICICI bank has offer Gift of Rs 7500 /- towards the reward point of 6200 so if
I provide CVV no I will get Gift of rs 7500 which will be waive off in the bill.

On 6th November I came to know that somebody had done fraud in my Credit Card in the name
of ICICI Bank.

On 08th November I registered a Complaint in Cyber Crime Thane about this fraud. On 14th November this complaint came to Mahatma Police Station Kalyan. Cyber Crime had
given a letter to ICICI bank to give the detail of Shopper Laplumegroup_EPaykerel. but ICICI Bank have not given this detail to police.

Twice I had complaint to ICICI bank about this issue SR345368653 & SR349766474

Still police is enquiring about this complaint but you ICICI bank is closing this issue complaint witihout
my knowledge and also of police

When i check this shopper Laplumegroup_EPaykerel in Google site I found this site is a fraud and lot
of customer are been cheated. Than how ICICI bank transfer amount to this group.

On 20th November Laplumegroup had send me gift to my residence but I have rejected that
gift, that means this amount has been used my Laplumegroup and not by any individual

Cyber Cell Complaint No. : 143/2014 CP office Thane dated 08-11-2014
Kalyan Police Station : 13671/2014 dated 13-12-2014

This month I receive a bill of Rs. 10024 from ICICI bank I have deducted that fraud amount of
Rs. 7849 and rest I have paid the bill.

I request ICICI bank to give the detail of Laplumegroup to Police at the earliest to solve
this matter. ICICI bank is charging penality of late payment of credit card bill instead of solving this problem