Reported By: Ashutosh Ranjan
Contact information:
Navcarry tech private limited Koko loan-reliable cash named on Play store New delhi
Play store
I have not applied for loan i was just checking my elegibility and they disbursed the amount without my knowledge and they disbursed ra4640 and the app is showing due is 8000 and need to pay in 6 days many people is suffering with this. kindly remove this app from playstore
How to file a complaint against Navcarry tech private limited Koko loan-reliable cash named on Play store?
* Go to page
* Write Navcarry tech private limited Koko loan-reliable cash named on Play store in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Navcarry tech private limited Koko loan-reliable cash named on Play store.