My friend having your company membership pkg tours @ Rs 10000.00 as per your condition of some slot period we are note avail tours at selected destination, i am asking you making the prgm. to verifies holidays.If my self cannot go on holiday with your tour pkg. I feel you cheat me with your smartness.We are seven families lived together from school times when we going to take membership which i already taken they frnds firing me they raise this qstn. how we can go together with your tour condition. can you solve my problem if yes.i explain you my kids geting vacation in the period those you bar then how i can enjoy this member ship.i planed shirdi dham on 4th January 2015 i have already booked flight ticket on 4-1-2015 so i request you pls. booked one room for one day of 4-1-2015 only.Pls. confirm my booking and reply on mail add. My coustomer ID 75190
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