Reported By: Ellayanila
Contact information:
Pinki Creations
Amount – Rs 299.00
Order ID #4027, it’s been 10 days since I ordered, no order confirmation, no communication, no product delivery. No option to track the order or cancel it and no ways to contact pinki Creations. Looks like big Fraud. Money wasted.
How to file a complaint against Pinki Creations?
* Go to page
* Write Pinki Creations in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Pinki Creations.
Order ID # 5573..its been 10 days since I ordered..there is no communication..the are not responding to my emails…there no no option for tracking of the order…and there is no way to contact them…please help me return my money…
I have ordered a frock for my daughter for 399 rupees which I have not received any information on it, my money is deducted and its yet to come. If you are cheating others it’s a shame on your part l want my money refunded back.