Reported By: Rajan raskondawar
Contact information:
SA dresses Kailash Nagar Gandhi nagar east delhi110031 Pune maharashtra
On 10 th May 2021 i placed order for 3 casual shirts at ₹1049/- at product code #2745
I get delivery on 15 th May 2021 with 2 damaged shirts with very bad conditioned
So I have to place complaint about this cheap thing …and please help me as soon as possible for refunding my payment..!
How to file a complaint against SA dresses Kailash Nagar Gandhi nagar east delhi110031?
* Go to page
* Write SA dresses Kailash Nagar Gandhi nagar east delhi110031 in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from SA dresses Kailash Nagar Gandhi nagar east delhi110031.
Contact the courier servive which delivered you this product from seller..It happened with me also but I contacted shiprocket as they delivered me this product(It can be different in your case)
They just provided me the email of this seller
[email protected]
Put a mail and bang him o you can file police complain as I Did.
Courier service can provide you more information as they registered their name on their site..
I got my refund by following this processs
Just bang them on their social media handle through linkdin o facebook
Same bro how we get refund