Reported By: Mohammed Nawazuddin
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Hi Friends Dont fall in trap laid by vision pride real estate developers Who are cheating innocent people in the name of Club membership, Health Cards, Domestic Holidays ,Fitness Club Membership ,These frauds are collecting innocent people Data and informing them through their hired tele callers that they won Gift on their Company Anniversary for which Couples need to come and Collect. This is all Fake Entire Episode is scripted by Both Santosh Kumar & Vamshi Krishna are Mister Minded In cheating Innocent People with These kind of schemes.
These Frauds are Selling Double Registrations Plots to all Innocent People and Making them Fool and Plying with Their Emotions .
I kindly Request One and All who all Are Purchased the Membership and Plots in Vision Pride Real Estate Developers. please Please Please Go and Cross Check your Plots with Concern Sub register office and also Cross Check at Layout till now There is no Plotting and No developments in most of their Ventures and Even Some Places you Not even see the Plot numbers .But these Frauds are saying All ventures are DTCP Approved But i think its all are fraud and Created Forge Documents .
Kacharam Venture which is Near Govt School is Not developed till Date and you will not find the Plots there and Zero developments and Still These frauds are Not worried about their Promises Made to Innocent People and Doing Fraud business to cheat more and more Customers.
Their Customer Care Team is also No 1 Frauds .
How to file a complaint against vision pride infra services?
* Go to page
* Write vision pride infra services in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from vision pride infra services.