It is an online shopping web site of mobile phones,i have booked an samsung phone on EMI basis i have got a call frm them which is meant to be mobile verification call,they said me about their terms and conditions i agreed for that and they said me that u will be getting a gift pack which contains a wrist watch,it is for an address verification at that time i have paid Rs:1500/- which is procesing charges.And they said that as soon as i recieved the gift with in 2days i will be recieving my phone which i have been booked on their website.It is already been 10days i have not recieved anything and i repeatedly iam trying to contact them but there is no response from them.
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pls my rupees1,000 refund other wise i will take an action you &your courier
If u both got ur respective mobiles……then plz update…..othawise I will complain abt this site in consumer fourm as an cyber crime
I also got one watch but the mobile is not yet delivered after paying the processing fees