Reported By: Lyle Picciano
Contact information:
Facebook Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-1515
I posted a picture of Hitler saluting on a post that had a pic of Donald Trump making a similar gesture. All I posted was the picture. Facebook censored my post claiming it went against their “community standards” of posting hate symbols and showing support for symbols of hate and hate groups. i did NO such thing. They have also restricted my account. I have had similar problems with Facebook in the past and I’ve contested their actions with their “oversight board” and nothing was done about it. This last time is the last straw. I have posted pictures of Hitler and pictures of Nazis since I’ve been on Facebook (about 8 years) without any such action by them before. I consider this censorship and a violation of my civil rights, specifically my right to free speech. I have reason to suspect this action may be political on Facebook’s part. They recently reinstated Trump’s Facebook account after banning him for over a year for posting lies and disinformation.
How to file a complaint against Facebook?
* Go to page
* Write Facebook in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Facebook.
So very tired of the conservatives being CENSORED AND RESTRICTED. FaRcebook sucks.
Facebook deleted two of my post today for no reason. They did not violate any of Facebook oversight description, they were extremely informative and referenced Donald Trump’s recent actions. if you mention Donald Trump.s name in a post, they are being deleted without any notification of why. Both post deleted today referenced the actions of Donald Trump, one specifically, pointed out that Trump maybe using Pompeo to do his hit man type actions. Another, referenced that the two Mar-a-largo workers involved in the recent acts of deleting a server for Trump are foreigners, Nauta, and De Oliveira are Spanish and Netherlands under Russian control. The described a situation that Trump had Russian working for him that may not even be citizens.