Reported By: Sai Nithisha
Contact information: Delhi
I ordered designer sports push up bra and panty set of 7pieces from
I saw this website on YouTube and ordered the product.
Today I received the product.
The product I received was of low quality and of no use for me.
I got totally different product.
It is different from which I ordered.
The product which I ordered and the product which I got are not same .
I received fake product.
On the package the number was 7717253564 which doesn’t even have whatsapp.
Any online site will have whatsapp number to speak to .
And doesn’t even have any number to contact.
I am very disappointed with the product and my money got wasted.
It’s a humble request from my side to refund my money and take your product back please…..
How to file a complaint against
* Go to page
* Write in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from