Reported By: Narendra Singh Rawat
Contact information:
Malcon(India)ltd Kolkata
Sir,My name is Narendra Singh and i m from a small village name kushalpura,tehsil masuda, district Ajmer, Rajasthan.I got a sms from Anaya Named and she said to me that to work a part time job.Then he send me a link of this job and said to fill this form and said that on telegram i send tutor and u get all information from him and start your work.On telegram the tutor ask me to complete a task of 1500 Rs and I tell him to do.But after doing this so much i can’t get my money back .my mind is in under their control so i completed my tasks and only 3 were remaining but after I got news from my relatives that it may be a fraud company talk to him to give your money back but the telegram tutor didn’t reply my messages and say same thing all time .I give him about 35000 to complete their task.But he didn’t give my answers.Please help me i m from a farmer’s family and my family didn’t know about this fraud please help me.
With Regards-Narendra Singh
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