Reported By: P S Narayanan
Contact information:
OMSYS Retail, Plot no. 22, Basement D Block, Sector 7, Noida BANGALORE
On viewing their product in Youtube, a blue, Anti vibration adjustable bracket for washing machine. Received the courier on 14/08/24 and paid Rs. 899.
What I recceived a non adjustable, bracket of black/grey color. Would like to return and get the money back or require the correct product ordered.
How to file a complaint against OMSYS Retail, Plot no. 22, Basement D Block, Sector 7, Noida?
* Go to page
* Write OMSYS Retail, Plot no. 22, Basement D Block, Sector 7, Noida in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from OMSYS Retail, Plot no. 22, Basement D Block, Sector 7, Noida.