OMSYS RETAILS – Different product delivered

Reported By: PADMA

Contact information:

I have ordered a Kitchen Sink Storage Rack Holder,
But got a completely different and smaller product. Minor differences can be tolerated but this is an entirely dissimilar product and not worthy of the amount charged. Tried tracking down the website to return the product, but couldn’t find the website on Google.
A different name of the company is used in the delivery.
Ordered from: OMSYS RETAILS
Address in the delivered product: DailyThings
Plot No.122 Basement D Block
Sector 7 Noida
Gautam Buddha Nagar


How to file a complaint against OMSYS RETAILS?

* Go to page
* Write OMSYS RETAILS in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from OMSYS RETAILS.

1 thought on “OMSYS RETAILS – Different product delivered”

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  1. Even we ordered the same and was shocked to receive a plastic container which is worth 50/- only. How do I return the product and get refund. This is broad daylight robbery of customers through internet marketing.