Reported By: Anil sarkar
Contact information:
Toubro holding limited
Incorporated under the companies act1956
Registered office S C O 52-53,sector 9d.chandigarh.
Toubro holding limited – Redemption date close dut amount not paid company
Redg. Folio No: PA084066
Certificate Number – 84066
No of share(s) held: 100
Distinctive Numbers – 53471001 To 53471100
Redemption date: 31/08/2021 Redemption Value: Rs. 10000.00
How to file a complaint against Toubro holding limited?
* Go to page
* Write Toubro holding limited in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Toubro holding limited.