Reported By: ASHOK KUMAR
Contact information:
Tshirt Cell Rupnagar (Punjab) RUPNAGAR
I ordered cover for gold colour iphone 15 pro max vide order No.CA15909 thru COVER ARTS and Tshirt Cell , shop No.74 Rupnagar ,Punjab send me black colour cover which was not ordered by me and when packet was opened I found black colour cover . Inspite of repeated requests no body is responding . Pl. resolve the issue at the earliest and replace the cover from black to Gold as I have paid Rs.999/- .
How to file a complaint against Tshirt Cell Rupnagar (Punjab)?
* Go to page
* Write Tshirt Cell Rupnagar (Punjab) in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Tshirt Cell Rupnagar (Punjab).