Reported By: Antkumar Gupta
Contact information:
VLE Bazaar Pvt Ltd Gurgaon
I ordered a product with order no. 3111210 on 4th July 2024 but I didn’t received it till date and whenever I call them they used to give random reason. After sometime, they transferred my amount into their wallet and this time I ordered another order no. 3407770 to recover my amount but they failed to dispatch it on time so, I cancelled this order as well but till I have never received refund yet. Now, they are not receiving my call and not giving any response on email. Please visit their website for all details and I am attached 2 number of their employees who are not responding :
1. +91 7428231930
2. +91 7669204762
How to file a complaint against VLE Bazaar Pvt Ltd?
* Go to page
* Write VLE Bazaar Pvt Ltd in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from VLE Bazaar Pvt Ltd.