Reported By: Pranali
Contact information:
Frankfinn insitution of Airhotess training Thane
Firstly they call me dor there free seminar to attend as we go they show seminar to us then they tell that this is an good opportunity for our future career then they tell us to bring our parents they i bring my parent then they tell us the information about it and fees structure they tell us to pay registration fees 15000 my parents pay the fees at 21/5/2024 but because of my personal problems i have not join the insitution then me and mg parents requested to refund our fees that is 15000 but they direct tell us that they will not refund our fees please give me my money back
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Hi, we regret the inconvenience caused to you. Please share your concern along with your contact details at [email protected]. Our team will get in touch with you. Regards, Team Frankfinn