Shain mall platform – Request a refund / withdrawal

Reported By: Kgaugelo

Contact information:
Shain mall platform

I don’t have the amount requested to complete my order and get my commission back, i talked to the lady that was assisting me about my problem but she doesn’t not want to help me get my money back, i have explained to her that i have a family emergency but she keeps telling me about the frozen items of which i have explained that i don’t have the required amount at the moment. I really need to withdraw the amount in my mall and close my account because it seems like i will only lose more money should i continue with this platform. I hope my complaint will be heard and considered.

I would to get refunded because i used up all my savings because i was convinced that i would get them back with commission. But now it seems like i will only lose more should i continue.

The lady who was assisting me is Natasha and below i will attach a screeshot of her telegram account.

Thank you

How to file a complaint against Shain mall platform?

* Go to page
* Write Shain mall platform in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Shain mall platform.

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