Reported By: ROMEL
Contact information:
November 26, 2022, I paid a sum amount of OMR 525 for job placement in Yukon, Canada to this agency STRATIX CONSULTANTS. As they promised I can get a job within 6 to8 months for Canada. But there was no processing happening. I follow up after 6 months they just just promised you that it is still on process. But they would not give an update, unless otherwise you will contact them and asked about the status of your application, it would take so many calls for you to make before they will answer your call. Then they will just tell that is still on process. It has already months now and nothing happens. I am making this complaint because I was cheated by this agency and so that I can have my full refund of my money.
How to file a complaint against STRATIX CONSULTANTS?
* Go to page
* Write STRATIX CONSULTANTS in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from STRATIX CONSULTANTS.