Reported By: sibaram konar
Contact information:
Alchemist Township India
Sir, myself Sibaram konar, vpo-meral, p.s-meral. Dist-burdwan, westbengal, deposited sum assured 50,000 thousand which was matured on 06/10/2018 at about 1 lac.But this company should betray they did not given any customer id no. TLL0137344 on dated 06/04/2013, and certificate no is TA00353111 Dated 27/04/2013.corporate off. sco 232-233, 3rd floor ,sector 34A , chandigarh. Regd office: Sco 17, park Avenue, Talwandibhai, Dist-firozpur, punjab.
How to file a complaint against Alchemist Township India?
* Go to page
* Write Alchemist Township India in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Alchemist Township India.
My invested amount matured long before(2017.18.19.20), when may I get back my invested amount????