Amazon eg vip – ‏Help me get my frozen money back

Reported By: Ahmed Shawky

Contact information:
https:// Cairo, Egypt

‏Someone called me on WhatsApp saying it’s from emg amazon
‏He convinced me to work online
‏With Amazon and evaluate its products by following some steps
‏But I must have at least 100 pounds in my account
‏And when I do the tasks required of me, I will win 200 pounds
‏Then go to the next stage with another person on Telegram
‏The next stage is the same as the steps of the previous stage, but with higher amounts until I reached a high amount. I was required to deposit 11,135 pounds. When I refused to deposit, my balance, which amounted to 20,414.17 pounds, was frozen.
‏Help me get my frozen money back

How to file a complaint against amazon eg vip?

* Go to page
* Write amazon eg vip in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from amazon eg vip.

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