Reported By: Rajan
Contact information:
Amazon Misson Hall Dubai
They says they help amazon merchants to increase there product sales. It’s an UK number, they were so kind when I invested very less amount and I got little commission, when I try to invest more and easily cheated me. When we do repurchase always it shows product within my available budget but this time it shows very high value product and I have option to submit as normal way. When I submit they took all my balance 1250usdt and asked me to pay balance 6000usdt to complete the order otherwise my money won’t be returned. Please help if you can. I think its a fraud site and noway related to Amazon
How to file a complaint against Amazon Misson Hall
* Go to page
* Write Amazon Misson Hall in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Amazon Misson Hall
I lost 10,500 $ I have raised a compliant against them to the Binance support team. If there is anything else we can do?
I faced the same issue they cheated $1250 from me
Exactly ,
They also do same thing with me ,full of fraud site and I think they all are inside dubai UAE ..
Same happened with me and i lost 20000$