Chiario – Paid for the item not received

Reported By: Pali Singh

Contact information:
Chiario Mumbai

This is the website to the company I paid on the 23rd June 2021 amount 2698rs, order number #1474. Customer name Pali Singh. I happen to talk to the Incharge Manish kumar of CHIARIO have recording- 7098232125. He keep on asking me for my Google pay he seemed like fraudulent is his profession. I only had to purchase this cycle to travel my place to the hospital to and fro. Had a big discount offers on them cycles. I have the recording of that person in which he mentions he will have to refund the money to my account kept asking for my Google pay and then phone pe I had to say I have none of them. Later he asked me to download an application from my mobile called screen something.which is an application to take remote access to your cellphone.Dear Sir/Madam.Please do the needful. like I mentioned earlier to prove he and the company are liars fraud I have his conversation recordings with me. 3 of them. Jai Hind.Please Take care of yourself Dear officers.

How to file a complaint against Chiario?

* Go to page
* Write Chiario in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Chiario.

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