Reported By: Pushp Jain
Contact information:
FK Mall Mumbai
Firstly I have an add of this company then I message it and reply from the company and said this is a online platform where you can earn money easily and I have given a task for you and send a 68 rs reward from my side then the task order from 200 to 2000 then I deposit 200 then they said the task order is 500 you deposit 500 then I said 200 I deposit so they said 200 is not in my company 500 is there I said please refund my money so they please deposit 500 so you can earn 850 this is company rules so what can I do please help me
How to file a complaint against FK Mall?
* Go to page
* Write FK Mall in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from FK Mall.