Max Profit Solution Delhi – Misrepresenting and Misleadingly taken Rs.8,92200/- by Max Profit Solution of Delhi

Max Profit Solution Delhi Reviews & Complaints

Posted On: 12/09/2016
Reported By: [email protected]

Contact information: Max Profit Solution Delhi
[email protected]

Respected Sir,

I have the honour to inform You that ‘Max Profit Solution” of Delhi did not kept their promise by Refund of Rs.8, 92, 200/- in my account which I have already given to their SBI account as per advise by Mail, SMS, Phonetic advise by Mr. Ankit Mittal and MS. Aditi Jain of Max Profit Solution, Delhi in their 2(Two) accounts of SBI Nehru Place Branch in A/c No 35578195504 & Sector 3/7 Rohinio Branchin a/c No 35311715327 started since 16th Mar.2016 to 16.08.2016.In each date of Payment they advise me to refund my Paid amount plus Rs.1000000/ as Brand Ammbasodor amount.Total amount as per their advise stand Rs.8.922 Lac and payment made since then 11(Eleven) times started form 17.03.16.and each occasion they have not acted and refunded as prommissed.And Lastly again demanded Rs 7500/- on 27.08.16 to 02.09.2016 by phone regularly otherwise your total refund as claimed by me amounting to Rs.892200/-will not be effected and Company will not give any date of Refund as insisted & Claimed by me it may take one month to six month told by Ms Aditi Jain and Mr. Siddhratha Malhotra of Max Profit Solution Delhi in Accounts Dept.

I am submitting the Details of Company and my Payment in SBI A/C of Two Delhi Branch, Named of Co’s Personal with their Mobile Nos etc for your kind perusal and taken up appropriately.

Co.’s Name :-Max Profit Solution- SBI Nehru Place Branch-A/C No. 35578195504.
Address as per record of SBI -525 BAZAR PANNA, VILL-KARALA, DELHI
2) Account No-35311715327 of SBI Br.-SECTOR- 3/7 Rohini

Persons those have involved /contacted are 1) ANKIT MITTAL – Via M- 9910823843

2) ADITI JAIN -M-9716324078 & 9873578544 3) Siddhartha Malhotra- M-9711375413/9871993158 and lastly a Mobile No. 9910238845 they used & talk to me.

1)..Rs.5000/- 17.03.16 ch. no433951 of a/c 10288098071 of SBI Bangur
Avenue Br.paid to SBI A/C No.35311715327 of S B I Sector-3/7 Rohini Br
2)Payment Made from SBI Bangur Avenue Br. A/C- 10288098071 and 10288170967 To 35578195504 at SBI Nehru Place Branch Delhi.
i).By Ch. No 433951 Rs. 1, 95, 000/- dated 18.03.16, – on th basis of SMS
ii)Rs.100000/- by ch. 433953 dt.24.03.16 = SMS
iii)Rs.70000/- by Ch. No.433955 dated 11.04.2016 = SMS
iv)Rs.1, 70, 000/- by Ch No.433956 dated 12.05.2016= SMS
v)Rs. 30, 000/- by ch No. 433957 dated 13.05.2016.= SMS
vi)Rs.2, 30, 000/- by cheque No. 433958 dated 27.06.2016 on the basis of last mail dt.16.06.2016 By your legal Dept. Delhi office.
vii) Rs.18000/- on the basis of SMS dt 04.07.16 as closure of File which deposited by Cash.
viii)Rs.20000/- by cheque 151476 dt.09.08.16 from a/c no 10288170967 of SBI Bangur Br for other Charges.
ix) Rs. 15500/-( Ch. No 151477) & Rs 15400/- on dated 10.08.16.from a/c No 10288170967 and 20002319390 of other a/c.both from SBI Bangur Avenue as last and Final payment.
x) Rs.13300/- by ch no. 151478 dated 11.08.2016 from a/c no 10288170967 of SBI Bangur Avenue for final payment
xi) Rs.10000/- by ch no. 151479 dated 16.08.16 from a/c no 10288170967 as Closure of File

I am requesting to treat this letter with my above submission as FIR/GD against 3 (three) Named persons as above and take necessary steps as you deem fit.

Kindly help me to recover my fund given to the Company all in their SBI Account if possible.
Details of Co’s personal, Account nos of SBI with address submitted above for your information and necessary action.

I shall be highly oblige to you and hope a solution be possible through you and your kind intervention solicited.

With Regards,

Yours Faithfully,

Retd. SBI Officer &

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