Reported By: CVR Reddy
Contact information:
MJ Enterprise, Dabua Nagia Extension, Faridabad Bangalore
I had ordered 3 half sleeve shirts with selected colours and design on 2-10-23. Items were shipped on 3-10-23 and delivered through Amazon. I received the parcel on 7-10-23 delivered by Amazon after making payment. The shirts I received are in very bad shape and are not at all the ones I ordered. The shirts are used and soiled ones and I have been cheated / fooled. The delivered shirts are not even good even for floor cleaning. I strongly complain and ask others not to get fooled by the company – MJ Enterprise, Nagia extension, Faridabad.
How to file a complaint against MJ Enterprise, Dabua Nagia Extension, Faridabad?
* Go to page
* Write MJ Enterprise, Dabua Nagia Extension, Faridabad in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from MJ Enterprise, Dabua Nagia Extension, Faridabad.