Reported By: Kushagra gupta
Contact information:
National Career Services Ghaziabad
I was in need of bank job, and the National Career Services offer me a bank job in my city only Hardoi. They called me and told me you will be getting a confirm Job In Axis Bank Hardoi,
Just you need to do is make a payment of 2500 as a registration fee and i Paid, then they said you will face an telephonic Interview and you have to pay 6800 and i paid.
Then they said you qualified all the process now your verification will be done And pay 13800 and i paid then they said your all process is complete now make a payment of 25000 you will get money back in 10 minutes and i paid.
Now they are saying you have to pay last transaction of Rs 22,750 and you will get all money back and also a confirm job, now i come to know every time they are charging fee for it.
It is a fraud but i paid above four transactions of Rs [Protected]total = ₹48,100.
IT IS A HUGE LOSS FOR ME, kindly help me in this matter, Also i am having all the bank details, there Contact, address, email id. I paid on 1st Dec , 3rd Dec, 4thDec and 7th December.
How to file a complaint against National Career Services?
* Go to page
* Write National Career Services in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from National Career Services.