naukri2jobs – for fraud co.naukri 2jobs

Hello sir…I was paid rs48000 for job…through naukri2jobs…they call me for icici recruitment …n then they told me u pay money for regi..resume…training service…n I paid…but I wast receive any offer later…plz everyone do not try these..n now today call from RBI… THEY TOLD ME U PAID THROUGH NAUKRI2JOBS 48000..N I GIVING U TO REFUND THIS AMT..N TOLD ME U PAY FOR REFUND ID GENERATING AMT 8500 .I CANT PAY ANY SINGLE AMT AGAIN…PLZ HELP ME FOR REFUND…WITHOUT PAY ANY SINGLE AMT…..

3 thoughts on “naukri2jobs – for fraud co.naukri 2jobs”

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  1. Dear Friends,

    This s Govindaraj, Im also cheated by naukri2jobs. I moved a case to central cybercrime cell. So please send ur FIR copy and all supporting documents to [email protected]. So that i can make a case strong.Trust me.


    +91 9751124633

  2. Naukri FastForward

    Dear Sir,

    Thank you for registering your concern with

    At the outset we would like to clarify that “naukri2jobs” is not associated/ part of (Info Edge (India) Limited) and this call has not gone from

    Here the caller is using the name of to gain trust to try and offer himself legitimacy. Please avoid any contact with the caller in question.

    On basis of past complaints from jobseekers, we encourage you to be wary of emails that
    • Ask your personal, non-work related information such as Credit Card numbers or Bank information over phone or email
    • Do not provide a call back phone number or provide contact information that is outside the country
    • Ask for monetary transactions, money-transfers, or payment for Job Applications, conducting interviews, or any other such employment/recruitment related purpose
    • Promise a guaranteed job
    • Promise emigration and ask for money to process visa, etc

    We would advise you to exercise due diligence before acting on any such Conn emails/Calls. Please always check with the actual recruiter if you are asked to pay for interview, offer letter, etc. We at take the best possible measures to protect the interest of job seekers.

    Please feel free to revert back in case of any query, we would be happy to help you out.

    Thanks & Regards
    Naukri FastForward

    1. abhishek kukreti

      i am getting calls from…..they are asking me to pay 5100 for it your branch and should i go ahead witht his..thanks pls advise