Resume2Excell – hide of full information

Mr Moin Khan from Resume2Excell called me for the service of resume forward with a very nominal coast 1900/- valid for life time. He said his company will generate a reference ID and arrange for interview after a verification call which will happen when I will register with company and make payment of 1900/- and asked me to come on line, after all type of formalities I make payment of 1900 on line then they called me for verification of education and employment and asked me to make payment of 4296/-( approx) which was initially not disclosed by the associate. Now when I denied to go ahead with any type of payment and asked him to make arrangement for my initial payment i.e 1900/- he replied that there is no option for refund but if I make payment of 4296/- and then they are unable to do the arrangement for interview call only then the will refund me the entire amount. I refused to go ahead and asked to return my payment. I apeal to gov to make a strong cyber crime cell in India so that such type financial crime may stop. Anyone who is going to make such payment kindly think twice or call me on 9334427600. I look forward to company if they returned my money. I dont think they will do so, if they do I will publish here.

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