Suhit trading company pvt ltd – online fraud

Reported By: anee ayub qureshi

Contact information:
suhit trading company pvt ltd mumbai
complaint list

myself anee qureshi i got message from 7829321156 on whatsapp for part time job so he told me to pay 100 rs which i pay then i got 228 after that he told me to pay 500 then 250 and then i received 750 in my account then i received 1087 in my account then he told me to complete 3 task so i will become permanent employee and get 1660 daily then i pay 1000 after that 3000 then 7645 then 1530 then 4120 after that he told me to pay 41200 then i told her to return my money but he dont listen and told me to complete all the task and withdrawal your money i begged but he dont listen total i pay 31750plz take action aganist this company and get this company shut so any other poor people will not face such kind of tortures plz take aganist am begging you

How to file a complaint against suhit trading company pvt ltd?

* Go to page
* Write suhit trading company pvt ltd in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from suhit trading company pvt ltd.

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