Vibgyor School Reviews & Complaints
Reported By: PremrajAvasthi
Contact information:
Vibgyor School
Airoli, Navi Mumbai
Hi, I am Premraj Avasthi, father of 6 year old ADHD kid Swaraj. Will try to keep my complaint as short as possible.
1. While admitting Swaraj to Vibgyor school, I had informed that Swaraj is an ADHD kid and submitted his psychoanalysis report as well. Vibgyor claimed that it can serve such kids and on the trust given by schools then VP Ms. Sheeba, I admitted him to Vibgyor. It was decided that school would observe him for a month and then may suggest a Shadow teachers arrangement. It was only 2nd day of Swaraj in the school, the staff demanded a Shadow teacher for him. I said there is a communication gap within yourself. I also said not all ADHD kids would require Shadow teacher and don’t think Swaraj would require one if the School had a competent staff to handle a fidgety kid. The school then stepped back and stopped demanding about Shadow teacher for Swaraj.
2. When the above dispute was in discussion, 3rd day of school, Swaraj complaint of someone hurting him. Since Swaraj’s speech is delayed and doesn’t have clear pronunciation, we thought it was teacher who hurt him. We complained to the school and requested a CCTV view of the day in the school. 3 weeks passed and we were not given CCTV view, at last when we warned the school that we would file a police complaint, they stepped back and allowed the CCTV view. I observed that our impression of teacher beating him wasn’t right and I apologized for the same in written, but I understood what was Swaraj referring to been as hurt. There was a kid sitting besides him who was continuously beating on his hands at times hurting him in pain. But none of the teacher who visited the class even paid attention to this mishap towards Swaraj, forget about stopping the same or separating him for that boy. This literally brought tears in our eyes, is this really the school I want my son to be in, specially when he is with a condition in which he is just a recipient to whatever happens to him and no ones there to even take a notice and on top kept delaying CCTV view request. I had decide at that very moment I won’t keep Swaraj in such an insensitive environment and requested for his exit. Again then VP, Ms. Sheeba, tried to console and started speaking about being positive and giving time. My wrong decision then too, made a guinea pig of my kid for this School for giving time to them to learn how to treat ADHD kids. But they learned nothing! The next day, I wrote to school to have him seated separate and that is when they acted on the same. Seriously do I have to come and view each days CCTV and then suggest what should the right arrangement for a fidgety ADHD Swaraj. A total management failure on the Schools part.
3. The last incident was the point I decided to exit him from the School. Vibgyor has ID with strap to put around the neck. Swaraj being fidgety, kept on chewing the strap. The strap has colorful impressions of Vibgyor school name. My wife found the strap totally wet through out and requested the class teacher to have the ID pinned and not use strap. But to the schools total ignorance towards the situation, this continued and they didn’t allow for our suggestion. As a result, this continued for days, and suddenly Swaraj started having inflammatory fever. On his bio-chemical test report, his C-reactive proteins were as high as 26, this was alarming for me and dangerous for the kid 6 years old. He had to be kept away from school for about a month. Why didn’t the school take a notice of the same by itself and took away the strap the first day and kept it in bag? weren’t they concerned about any kids health who might be allergic to any chemical / anything on the strap. And then you turn down parents request that was for the kids safety. I straight away spoke to Principal and applied for exit and asked for refund since I wasn’t not appealed and satisfied with the Schools arrangement, management, competency and skills to treat an ADHD kid.
4. School denied to refund the fees. Seriously, school thinks I paid Rs. 95000 for my kid to become your guinea pig. I asked under which law you are denying the refund and they said you had signed the Admission form which said ‘Fees will not be refunded under any circumstances’. Is this law? I argued, private schools are education service providers and if I feel Vibgyor is not competent and skilled enough to provide service to my ADHD kid, and in general to any ADHD kid and I am not satisfied with your service towards the same, and hence withdrawing my son’s admission and asking for refund. Directorate Of Education has also directed no schools can deny refund of fees, then how can Vibgyor deny refund of fees. Still they denied and said you can do what you can but we won’t refund.
I need a serious help here since I am the only earning Parent in the family and a service man who gets salary at end of the month to run the next month. I learnt this lesson a hard way, but at right time, that my son doesn’t need schools like Vibgyor but different arrangements where he is taught the ways of life. Vibgyor is not the right place for him.
Private schools like Vibgyor are not competent enough for ADHD/Autism suffering kids. Such schools should undergo a scrutiny and should be certified as a center for such kids education and therapies and a regular serious audit should be place on them for continuous improvement in the same regards. Else such schools would just earn money from such unaware parents and future of ADHD/Autistic kids would just be dark.
Any and every help is appreciated and I would be obliged and grateful towards the help throughout my life.
Thank you for your precious time and kind support,
Hoping for an immediate help,
Premraj Avasthi.