Wear kurtis, Sofiequeen – Wrong product delivery

Reported By: Ratha

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Wear kurtis, Sofiequeen Coimbatore

I have ordered combo kurtis with bright colour and XXI in size with an umbrella cut. I need to refund my money that is six hundred.The ordered kurtis were used and entirely wrong product.. material also worst in condition..the size is very small from what I have ordered.I have ordered XXL kurtis but I have received very small and I ordered the umbrella cut kurtis but what I received was entirely different with slit open. .I need to refund my money 600 rupees… Truly unsatisfied and upset with this product. This material also used one… Not in a good condition to wear anyone also.. to return I contacted the number given in the product cover but it’s switched off… I have raised a complaint through the mail I have received when I ordered but there is no reply from their end… So tensed and at last found the complainant registration and I have been doing it to return my money worth rupees 600. I have received yellow and pink kurtis in which all the buttons stuck were also came off.. even the stitching of the cloth also came off here and there… material was too bad and have lots of shrinks and also stains were there in the kurtis.. kindly return my money.. I request you to not deliver such a worst material to anyone else..I have attached the image of the project in it… Kindly take into an account…I ordered cash on delivery and got the worst and entirely different material, colour and size.. used material it can’t be worn anybody else and in a very worst ever condition it is… I need my money to be refunded… I need to return the order and get my money back… Kindly take this in to an account and refund it…. Worst ever shopping it is… It’s my very first time experience in online shopping… The kurtis has stains and damaged here and there and also stitches came out… Very very small and bad in condition… It has to be returned and refunded from my end..I need to raise complain in this consumer complaint…

How to file a complaint against Wear kurtis, Sofiequeen?

* Go to page
* Write Wear kurtis, Sofiequeen in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Wear kurtis, Sofiequeen.

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