Reported By: UDAY SHETTY
Contact information:
Dr trust USA SUITE
I Have purchased Dr Trust 3 in 1 NANO IONIC FACIAL STEAMER FROM AMAZON ordered on 26th otcober which is delivered on 30th october.As i was not avaialable in the town and i came back on 16th of october and i tried to use the product and product was defective which is not at all getting on and short circuit happening.When i tried to reach customer care they have asked me to whats app the issue to the number 7527013265 which i have done but they are not responding to my queries.
How to file a complaint against Dr trust USA?
* Go to page
* Write Dr trust USA in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Dr trust USA.