Contact information:
BeBee clothing 101,203 Supreme Towers, Srinivas Nagar, Agra road, Gurugram Haryana -122023 Email : [email protected]
I have placed a order ( #101990) in this website for white casual shirt but i tried to cancel the order instantly but i had no option to do that they mentioned mail id but that is of no use it doesn’t work or nobody responded to that and finally i received the product i was shocked as i received a 46 size orange plain tee shirt instead of my white shirt i tried to mail them regarding this but there was no response from them i literally got cheated by them
How to file a complaint against BeBee clothing?
* Go to page
* Write BeBee clothing in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from BeBee clothing.