just to eye wash, after N number of mails, to make other customers believe you post in my page saying that there is some audit going on. How bad are you cheating us. Your executive say higher official not in town and you say some audit going on. Which one to believe and don’t give such irresponsible reply. When you fix time limit to receive money. Please provide the appropriate date when the amount will be provided. In spite of so many complains, you are still taking your own sweet time. I think only if customers start showcasing such immoral and untruthful behaviour in social networks, then only you will know the power of customer. I’m really really fed up of following and I feel I’ll get hypertension all because of your irresponsible behaviour. I would tell all customer not to trust mails from goodwill@confidentgroup as you just want to showcase that nothing is going really bad. BUT THE TRUTH IS THESE ARE FAKE MAILS TO MAKE THE CUSTOMER A FOOL. For me till date nothing happened inspite of receiving mail from them. There is no grievance cell no. So customers are unable to contact and put their frustrations across. Really annoying
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