RTL MALL Tech Company – Finished my job, according to contract, but company did not release my money, ₹28,90,444

Reported By: Rudra Narayan Pal

Contact information:
RTL MALL Tech Company Ahmedabad

user name :Rudro; code :238917. By recharging ₹2000,I got a task of 6 mini task. According to contract, each mini task can have 1-8 products to pay. After completing 5 mini task, In 6th mini task, i paid 8 products. I was chatting to someone called Brooke, from the company on Telegram. His Telegram link is https://t.me/Brooke009. He was assisting me to do my work. According to contract, to pay one product, 60 minutes is maximum time given. If the product is not paid under 60 minutes, system will trigger costly products. But no where it’s written, that under no scenario, a task can have more than 8 products. But after i paid 8 products, in the 6th mini task, System got 9th product for me, against contract. Department Manager, whose Telegram link is https://t.me/caiwu008 says, they don’t care contract . He said, to get my money back, i have to pay more. They have withheld my deposited money, ₹21,99,444

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* Write RTL MALL Tech Company in company name section and write your complaint in detail
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* Get refund / replacement / damages from RTL MALL Tech Company.

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