Speed Paisa.com – Agent name yashwin mobile number 9966182645 and all masses came from BP-Adds MSG . I am not received payment .

Reported By: Sushmitha poojary

Contact information:
Speed Paisa.com Andrapradesh

Sir , an agent named yashwin from this speed Paisa company approached me to do work from home job and I have worked for them and then they messaged me to submit that work to 200 submit [email protected] and then ofter some days they messaged to the telling 96.6% accuracy rate came and IVR call was received with a code which was not audible and they charged 654Rs for this they said that my salary 62600Rs but for this they asked me to pay 1591+35Rs as get way charge to UPI finance team@scb in name of but he told paid UPI 9966182645@aitel in name of shek Vali i paid that amount also and also they asked me to pay 8313 UPI paymentday@kotak they name BOTON ONLINE SHOPPING I paid that amount and ofter they asked me to pay 1888 UPI paymentday@ kotak I paid that amount and finally they asked last balance amount u paid and get salary of RS 1050 UPI paymentday@kotak I paid that amount so totally I paid 654+1591+8313+1888+1050=13,496 RS and I got cheated so please take necessary action on them please help me and please refund my money.

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* Go to page
* Write Speed Paisa.com in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from Speed Paisa.com.

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