Reported By: Srivatsan
Contact information:
Ola Scooters Bengaluru
Complaint num – 1159327, Scooter Num – KA05LJ7621, last sunday 8th May ’22 when i was driving at highway ( NICE road) my scooter was at battery charge of 90% suddenly it has come to Zero & stopped at middle of raod around 4pm, immediately I called Ola RSA customer care & requested for support but they informed that scooter will be picked up by 6pm, called at 6pm again reply for next 2 hours, i called at 7pm, nothing has happened by this way i have to wait till 10pm at highway & towed by scooter through Auto rickshaw for 12 Km & got to my home at 12MN, next day evening 9th May after repeated request from my end Ola RSA person has picked up my scooter around 8pm, So OLa RSI reaches their customers for help only after 28 hours, then i have followed up with customer care 080 68964071 ( Manoj & Sunitha ) for status of my scooter but they have replied through recorded voice like ” we will get back to you”, Its pathetic to get this worst experience from a reputed organisation like “Ola” i need my scooter to be returned after battery issue resolution on fast track,
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